Rikke la Cour
Coach & Concussion Mentor
Rikke la Cour
Coach & Concussion Mentor

Who is Rikke la Cour?
Rikke la Cour is an internationally certified coach from the Sofia Manning Institute and has worked as a mentor for people suffering from concussions since 2019. In addition to her coaching and mentoring practice at BrainBrave, Rikke la Cour works as a negotiation specialist, coach and capability builder in a large pharmacetical company.
Rikke’s journey with BrainBrave started following her own concussion, as she during her own recovery struggled to find a coach or mentor that could help her navigate the concussion jungle. A mentor, who had walked that same difficult path, that could help her in the initial phases after suffering the concussion, and a coach that could help her find meaning with the concussion – later in the process.
Rikke is born and raised in Odense, Denmark, and lives in Copenhagen today with her husband and children. She has studied and worked abroad in e.g. Spain and the UK, and is known for her love for travelling and exploring the world.
Rikke loves yoga, hiking in nature, great food, wine, cocktails and socialising. And then she is known for her big heart and passion for helping others.
Hvem er Rikke la Cour?
Rikke la Cour er en internationalt certificeret coach fra Sofia Manning Institute og har arbejdet som mentor for personer, der lider af hjernerystelser siden 2019. Udover sin coaching- og mentorpraksis hos BrainBrave arbejder Rikke la Cour som forhandlingsspecialist, coach og kompetenceopbygger i et stort, globalt medicinalfirma.
Rikkes rejse med BrainBrave begyndte efter hendes egen hjernerystelse. Her kæmpede hun med at finde en coach eller mentor, der kunne hjælpe hende med at navigere i hjernerystelsesjunglen. En mentor, der selv havde gået den samme vanskelige vej og som kunne hjælpe hende i de indledende faser efter hjernerystelsen, og en coach, der kunne hjælpe hende med at finde mening med hjernerystelsen – senere i forløbet.
Rikke er født og opvokset i Odense i Danmark og bor i dag i København med sin mand og børn. Hun har studeret og arbejdet i udlandet bl.a. i Spanien og Storbritannien og er kendt for sin kærlighed til at rejse og udforske verden.
Rikke elsker yoga, vandreture i naturen, lækker mad, vin, cocktails og socialt samvær. Og så er hun kendt for sit store hjerte og passion for at hjælpe andre.
In the News
Rikke la Cour was recently interviewed by Voices of Brain Injury in Canada – in this article you can read about her journey, going from her biggest crisis of life – namely her concussion and mild traumatic braininjury to her life today. A life where she is 100 % recovered from her concussion, and is passing on her learnings in her role as mentor and coach to others suffering from concussions .
In the News
Rikke la Cour blev i December 2023 interviewed til Voices of Brain Injury in Canada. I denne artikel kan du læse om Rikke’s erfaringer med hjernerystelse. Fra hendes største livskrise – til hendes liv idag, hvor hun via sine egne erfaringer med hjernerystelse og sin funktion som mentor og coach, rådgiver hjernerystelsesramte videre på deres vej.
I Marts 2024, delte Rikke la Cour sin historie med BryggeBladet. I artiklen, som du kan læse her, fortæller Rikke om den jungle man går ind i, når man rammes af hjernerystelse og hvordan mange er overladt til sig selv.